We offer a wide range of treatments for our equine clients. Common treatments that we perform are listed below:


Ideally colts are castrated around a year of age if they are not intended to be used for breeding purposes. At a year of age, their testicles have descended fully, easy to visualize and remove. Castrations are most commonly done in the warmer months unless there is a heated arena or barn to perform the surgery in.

Wound Care

Sometimes surgical debridement and suturing is required for wounds that horses can incur. Each situation is different and the degree of trauma and vitality of the tissue affected will determine the type of treatment necessary for wound healing and closure.

Parasite Control

Keeping the parasites under control is an important aspect of herd health. We carry multiple products that reduce the parasite load within our equine patients. Fecal egg counts are an effective way to evaluate each individual horse’s parasite load and allow us to tailor a deworming protocol specific to that particular horse. The frequency of treatment differs with the age of the horse, however most deworming treatments are administered in the spring and fall months. Pasture management is also a key aspect to a successful deworming protocol.

Lameness Exams

When a horse pulls up lame, there can be many different reasons as to why. When we perform a lameness exam we do so in steps to try and get the most accurate diagnosis. Obtaining a detailed history, performing a distant and close up exam, flexion tests, and nerve blocks are aspects of a lameness exam that aid in reaching a diagnosis. Signs of lameness include hip hiking, head nod with excessive downward or upward movement, change in stride length, and foot placement when in motion.

After Hours Service

Emergencies and unexpected illness or accidents occur when you least expect them to. We understand this and provide after-hours emergency services for all of our clients. Please do not hesitate to call 306-728-4456 if there is an emergency and veterinary medical assistance is needed.


An alternative imaging method to radiographs, ultrasound is another common imaging source utilized in veterinary practice. By producing high frequency sound waves, the ultrasound machine produces live images of what is going on inside the animal’s body. Our mobile ultrasound machine allows us to use it in many different situations and can be used for large and small animals to aid in providing you with the most accurate diagnosis possible.


Requested more and more each day, acupuncture is becoming a common place treatment in veterinary medicine. Dr. Barbara Evans, a certified Veterinary Acupuncturist, has treated a variety of conditions from lameness to colic in our equine patients. Offered both in clinic and on farm, acupuncture is now available at the Melville Veterinary Clinic.


Implementing a proper vaccination protocol is essential to maintaining individual and herd health. Utilizing core vaccines and depending on the situation, risk based vaccines, is one of the best ways to keep your horse protected. The core vaccines include West Nile Virus, Eastern and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis, Tetanus, and Rabies. The risk based vaccines are administered depending on the horse’s lifestyle and environment. The risk based vaccines of concern in this area are Influenza, Strangles, and Equine Herpes Virus. We carry all of the core vaccines and can order the risk based vaccines on request. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your vaccination protocol!


Export papers and Coggins testing may be required to attend certain shows and competitions and is required by law to cross the Canadian border. Call us to find out which papers are required to fulfill your transport requirements.